Front cover of House of Brittle Bones
Front cover of House of Brittle Bones

House of Brittle Bones

by Jamel Stevens, AKA "21"

House of Brittle Bones is a collection of stories which all have an unexpected twist at the end of each. If you like shows like Twilight Zone, you will love these beautifully crafted tales. The house is the book, and the bones (stories) are my very DNA. The stories are brittle because nothing is ever as you expect it to be or turn out. A story will crumble before your very eyes, thus revealing an entirely different dimension.

Growing up, I had a thing for pulling tricks on people just to change their mental elements of norm in their thought patterns. I loved watching The Twilight Zone and scary movies, not knowing that it would format my story telling style.

I started this book in the mid-90's. I took a break from writing the book upon discovering my unique poetry style of metaphoric expressions. In 2014, I enrolled in Hudson Link/Mercy College. The wonderful teachers and staff there opened the floodgates to my pineal glands and all sorts of art started creating itself upon paper. This resulted to ten finished manuscripts and the finalization of "The House of Brittle Bones." Education is power!

Available in paperback or ebook.


Jamel Stevens' second book, "Kites That Flew," will be released soon. Please check back for more information as soon as it is available.

About the author

Photo of Jamel Stevens

Jamel Stevens, who also goes by the pen name "21," is a writer of poetry, short stories, novellas, and other forms of writing not listed here. He was born and raised in Harlem, but traveled to and lived in many placed across the U.S. He is currently enrolled in Mercy College in pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science. He is incarcerated, but will be released by 2024. He is the owner of "Jefe" clothing line and future entrepreneur. He enjoys travelling and performing poetry.