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The Joy Behind Sorrow

by Michael P. Mark, Jr.

The time is now to expand and expound. The Joy Behind Sorrow gives you the opportunity to see the world through the lens of someone who sees the world in a most unique manner.

This collection of short poems brings the reader through different phases of many different emotions. It's abstraction at its finest. Inside these pages, you will find yourself lost in a world without limits.

The Joy Behind Sorrow has the power to shake your soul and open your mind up to different possibilities. Michael P. Mark Jr. uses metaphors with his take on philosophy and psychology to convey his thoughts, ideas, feelings, and ultimately, his message to the world. You will end up reading this collection many times over. This collection of poems is full of passion, and this book is truly one in a million.

About the author

Michael P. Mark, Jr. is a man who sees the world through a multilateral lens. He's full of thought-provoking questions, as demonstrated in some of his work. His ultimate goal is to get others to think and allow themselves to view the world in ways they aren't accustomed to. Mr. Mark is currently in a state of thought.

He is the proud recipient of the 2021 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Appreciation Award. He always strives to help others and leads a life full of love. Mr. Mark is also a student at Quinnipiac University where he studies crime and society, sociology, and sociology of economics. He also successfully completed the Paralegal Studies course with distinction from Blackstone Career Institute.

His proudest accomplishment: his beautiful, intelligent light of his life daughter, Michaela Mark.